Margaret Avenue Reconstruction

Terre Haute, Indiana

This $3.87 million project includes reconstruction of Margaret Avenue from a 2-lane local road to a 5-lane principal arterial between US 41 (Third Street) and Seventh Street. This segment is the first portion of the overall 5-mile east/west corridor improvement across the south side of Terre Haute. This project includes an enclosed storm drainage system, 8-foot sidewalk, curb and gutter, and two upgraded traffic signals at US 41 and Seventh Street. Significant environmental project elements included preparation of an Initial Site Assessment (ISA), which involved identification of hazardous material sites and other potential environmental problem areas within the corridor. Moreover, potential community impacts were assessed due to the 26 residential and 17 business relocations required to accommodate the widened roadway. A business needs assessment, including interviews with all proposed businesses to be relocated, was conducted.
